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A slow Internet connection can be extremely frustrating when you are working online. You can contact a computer technician, but they will most likely charge you a large amount of money to just look at your computer.:thumbsup:(right?).:D. To avoid repair costs, there are some simple tricks you can try on your own to fix a slow Internet connection.

Here some tips Instructions!!

1. Run a virus scan on your computer. If your virus and spyware protection are up-to-date, the scan will detect any offenders and remove them from your computer.

2. Unplug your modem and wait a minute. Many times resetting a modem will fix the slow Internet connection.

3. Perform a system restore on your computer. This allows you to undo any harmful changes that you have made to your computer that could be causing the slower Internet.

4. Free up space on your hard drive. Routinely removing temporary Internet files and programs that you no longer use will help keep your computer running efficiently.

5. Test your connection. Many Internet providers will allow you to use their site to check to make sure that there is not a problem with your connection.


How to Check For Your Internet Connection Speed

Here some tricks!!

1. Use your favorite search engine to conduct an Internet search of the term “test Internet speed connection”. Doing a simple search of “test Internet speed connection” will list various sites you can use to test your current connection speed.

2. Pick the site you would like to use. When you are trying to test your Internet connection speed make sure to read through the site you intend to use to see if they charge a fee for this service. You can find many places to run this test for free, so be thorough in your search.

3. Stop all current downloads on your computer. When you test for your Internet connection speed you want to make sure nothing slows down the testing results. Therefore make sure you stop all current downloads and miscellaneous Internet use before conducting your Internet connection speed test.

4. Give the appropriate information needed for the website to conduct the internet connection speed test. Most sites will need information about what is the closest server to your area. Some sites will pre-determine this for you, while others will ask you to choose the server area closest to where you are.

5. Wait for the site to test your Internet connection speed. Some sites will conduct a few tests, which test your download and possibly upload speed. They will download a small file to give you your current Internet connection speed while downloading files. As mentioned some sites will also upload a file then give your speed in regards to uploading files.

6. Run the Internet connection speed test several times at various times of the day and night. It’s a good idea to run the test multiple times so that you can get an average result. Usually, your Internet connection speed will vary throughout the day due to the amount of traffic on the Internet.

7. Interpret your results. After receiving your results regarding your Internet connection speed, you’ll want to compare it to the speed your Internet service provider is saying you should have. Then determine if this meets your needs.

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